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Professor George Pleios


Methodology of Qualitative Social Research / Investigative Journalism and Refugee / Migration Flow

Field of specialization, studies, work experience:

George Pleios studied Sociology (BA & MA) and Sociology of Culture and Mass Communication in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sofia "Kliment Ohridski".

Description of prior teaching/training activities:

He worked at the Department of Sociology, University of Crete, 1990 – 1993 and the Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, 1996 – 2001. Since 2001 he is Professor at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and since 2019 Visiting Professor in the Department of Sociology, NKUA. Since 2003 he is Director of the Laboratory for Social Research in Mass Media. He taught as Visiting Professor at the Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey (2019), at the School of Journalism, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (2018), at the Institute of Journalism "Taras Shevchentko", National University of Ukraine (2014),  at the Department of Journalism, Fredrick University (Cyprus) (2012), at the Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski" (Bulgaria) (2011), and he has given lectures in the ELTE University of Budapest (Hungary, in 2013, 2016, 2017 and 2019), in the Institute of Social Sciences in Lisbon (Portugal, 1n 2013) and in the Cyprus University of Technology (2016), Malaysia (2019),  as well as at various Universities in Greece.

Author, coauthor and editor of 9 books, PI in more than 25 research projects. 28 chapters and more than 45 articles have been published in Greece and internationally (UK, USA, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, China, Australia, Turkey). Works of him have been published in UK, USA, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, China, Australia and Turkey.

Additional information (such as publications, awards, link, etc):

Selected recent publications: The Greek revolution 1821 and the coming of war reporting (2022, Epiphaniou publishers), Covid-19: The media construction of a pandemics (2021, Papazisis Publisher, co-edited book), Infotainment and dramatization in the media coverage of the pandemics: content analysis of the Greek news media (with others, 2021), Fake news. The syneresis of news and  propaganda  (December 2020, Gutenberg Publishing), News and ambient journalism (2020, forthcoming, Publishing House of  the Greek Parliament), The transformation of media democracy (2020), Media ethics and news in Greece during crisis (2020), Representation of women politicians and of gender violence in the Greek media: content analysis of newspapers, portals and tv stations (with others (2020), Refugee communication and strategic crisis, (2016), The politics of news (2016), Problemas sociales e Internet: de la individualización al aislamiento social y la desigualdad social (2016), Communication and Symbolic Capitalism. Rethinking Marxist Communication Theory in the Light of the Information Society (2015), Facebook and crisis: alternative information or adjustment? (2015), The news of crisis (2015), Social media in time of crisis (2014),

He is a member of many Greek and international academic organizations. He has been a board member of the Greek National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV) since November 2016 to September 2023. He is also former Vice-President and President of the Hellenic Sociological Association (HSA). Vice Coordinator of the Research Network 18 (Media Sociology) of the European Sociological Association 2011 - 2014. Chairman of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, University of Athens 2011 – 2015 and 2017 - 2022. Former member of the Supervisory Board of the European Centre for Press Freedom and Media Freedom (ECPMF).

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