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Dr. Kondylo Terzi

Teaching Staff

Strategic Communication & Utilization of European Resources

Field of specialization, studies, work experience:

She currently holds a position as a Scientific Personnel in European Programmes and Policies at the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP). She has been awarded her Phd in Management from the University of Bath (Uk), a masters degree in Human Resource Management (HRM) from the University of Leeds (Uk) and a first degree in Social Policy and Social Anthropology from Panteion University (Greece). She has served as a Specialised Scientific Personnel in HRM and training at the National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government for many years. She has been a lecturer at the University of Bath and a visiting professor at the International Hellenic University, the Aegean University, the Hellenic Open University and the National School of Public Administration and Local Government.

Description of prior teaching/training activities:

Among the modules she has taught on both undergraduate and postgraduate level, are:

  • Human Resource Management

  • Organisation and strategic management

  • Quality and change management

  • Decision making strategies

  • Research Methods

  • Communication and leadership

Additional information (such as publications, awards, link, etc):

Recent publications include: 

  • Tsolakidou, S., Dionysopoulou, P and Terzi, K. (2019). Developing leadership competencies in the Greek public sector. IIAS – Lien 2019 Conference: Effective, Accountable and Inclusive Governance, (18-21 June) Singapore

  • Kasimi, Χ., Κitonakis, Ν., Κyparissis, D., Papamichael, G. and Τerzi, Κ (2018). Political ideologies and public policies in the educational activities of INEP. Athens: EKDDA

  • Terzi, Κ., Dionysopoulou, P. and Mylonakis, J. (2018). Implementing quality and accreditation in Higher Education in five European countries. British Journal of Education, 10(6), pp. 74-86

  • Terzi, Κ. (2017). The European strategy in education and training and best practices. Athens: ΙΒΕPΕ - SΕV

  • Terzi, Κ., Τsolakidou, S. Gegas, Α., Pavlakis, Μ. (2017). Developing human resource competencies. An empirical research in the public sector. E-Journal of Science and Technology (e-JST), 12(1), pp. 1-37.

  • Mpouris, Ι., Τerzi, Κ. and Τsekos, Th. (2017). The development of administrative competencies. Problem solving and Decision strategies. Athens: EKDDA

  • Katsaros, Κ., Κitonakis, Ν., Plymakis, Ι and Τerzi, Κ. (2015). Effective management of organisational change. Athens: EKDDA

  • Terzi, K. (2013). Open Government initiatives in Greece: Open calls for the recruitment of public administration officials, EESTEC LC Workshop “Govern the Way of Youth 2013” (11-17 March), Athens, Greece

Dr. Kondylo Terzi

Scientific Personnel in European Programs at the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection, ASEP

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