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Assistant Professor Theodoros Fouskas


Comparative Analysis of Cultures in Western, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Theodoros Fouskas is an Assistant Professor of Sociology with emphasis on Migration and Public Health at the Department of Public Health Policy, School of Public Health, University of West Attica (Greece). He combines studies on migration, precarious employment, domestic work and care, migrant health and access to healthcare, health disparities, racial and ethnic inequalities, migrant community organizations, pro-/anti-migrant mobilizations, social integration and exclusion. Latest research projects: 2021-2022 “Migrant and Refugee integration into local societies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain and Greece” (GSRI/UNIWA); 2020-2022 “Voices of Immigrant Women” (Erasmus+/EU), 2022-2023 “From reception, to gender empowerment & social inclusion of female refugees, asylum seekers & immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Athens” (Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum/Panteion University). Recent authored monograph: 2021 Precarious Lives of Maids, Nannies and Caregivers in Greece, Nova Publishers. Recent Edited publications: 2021 Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: A. An International Handbook on Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance, EPLO; 2021 Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: B. An International Handbook on Migration, Asylum, Social Integration and Exclusion, EPLO.

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