MSc in Media & Refugee /
Migration Flows
"31 people are newly displaced
every minute of the day"
There is no refugee crisis. There is crisis for handling refugee flows which is a phenomenon, a real event asking for action the entire society. When in the early summer of 2015, the refugees’ flows began to swell, the media covered the issue by using the terms “migrants” or “illegal immigrants”. This way, the journalists’ coverage focused on the large number of people coming from the East with boats, the housing problems, food shortage, health care, etc., which they and the local population were facing. The refugees were largely described by the media, with the help of local and supralocal, as a source of hazards and threats. If we want to confront this established perception we have a long way ahead. But first of all, we must change the words we use about (every) problem and this master program puts that issue as a priority. We would like to welcome you to the Master Program "Media and Refugee / Migration Flows" and we are looking forward to an exciting and interactive academic year!
Professor George Pleios
Director of the Program
Director of the Laboratory for Social Research in Mass Media
School of Economics and Political Sciences
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens