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Professor Emeritus Nikos Fokas 

Teaching Staff

Investigative Journalism & Refugee / Migration Flows

Field of specialization, studies, work experience:

Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology – Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE). He graduated mathematician MSc from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University. He holds a PhD on Mathematical Methods in Sociology (1987) and a PhD on Sociology (1997). He is Habilitated Doctor at the Eötvös Loránd University (2003) and Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2008). He has been Visiting Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA), he has also taught at the University of Macedonia, and different Hungarian Universities. Since 2017 (in a cooperation with Assistant professor Aristeidis Tsantiropoulos) he heads the Summer Scholl titled “Compulsive coexistence – The integration processes of refugees and immigrants in the Cretan society” held in the Department of Philosophy and Social Studies in the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete. 

He was the Head of Department of Sociology at Eötvös Loránd University (2011-2016), Director of the Research Institute of Greeks in Hungary (2003-2015) and Head of MTA-ELTE-Peripato Research Group (2013-2019). He is Fondateur de Rencontres Interdisciplnaires Franco-Helleniques (R.I.F.), member  of European Sociological Association (ESA), member of Presidency of Hungarian Sociological Association (2009-2017), member of Presidency of Hungarian Sociological Association (2010-2013). 

He was the head the research projects: “Dissemination Processes in Media” (2008-2011), “Between two identities. Community life and integration strategies of Greeks in Hungary” (2012-2018) and “Crises and Social Innovations” (2013-2019) as well as he was a member of the research projects such as “Greece from the Second World War to the Cold War, International Relations and internal developments” (2012-2015). “ceaseval -Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System” (2017-2019). “Living perforce in a foreign country. The case of Greek political refugees and their descendants at the village Beloyannis in Hungary (1950). Contemporary memories and assessments” (2019-2020).

Description of prior teaching/training activities:

He has taught on undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. His teaching specialization is on 

  • Diffusion of Innovation

  • Dissemination Processes in Media

  • Social Networks

  • Political History of Modern Greece

  • Social History of Hungary

  • Introduction to Chaos Theory

Additional information (such as publications, awards, link, etc):

He has written articles and books on complex social dynamics, with particular reference to the dissemination processes in media, on distributive semantic of public discourse, and on integration strategies of Greeks in Hungary. His publications can be found in Greek and Hungarian journals and books.

In 1987 he won the "Erdei Prize" (for the best young Hungarian sociologist of the year). In 2014 received Albert Szent-Györgyi Prize, which is awarded by the Minister of Education of Hungary signaling recognition of internationally acclaimed path-breaking scholarship. In 2018 awarded honorary doctorate by the Department of Political Sciences and Public Administration at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. 

He was member of the editorial boards of the Hungarian Sociological Review (1997-2000) and of Replika, Hungarian Social Science Quarterly (1993- 1997). 

He has held Fellowships at Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Host Institution: University of Athens (2015), at the University of Athens, Dept. of Political Science, Program Erasmus (2003-2006), Széchenyi Professor Fellowship (1998 – 2001), University of Athens, Dept. of Political Science (1996, 1997), University of Amsterdam, Tempus (1997), Democritus University of Trace (1995), Lambrakis Research Foundation (1994), Athens Foundation for Mediterranean Studies, Athens (1988,1990), Laboratory of Demography, Paris, France (1991).

Professor Emeritus Nikos Fokas 

Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest

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